
songs for style: sister edition.

tonight i had such a fun dinner with just my little sis, which is quite rare considering our schedules never seem to allow us to be in the same place at once. keeping it classy, we started with dessert in a glass - red velvet martinis - for martini mondays before moving onto the mediterranean cuisine that didn't go at all with the martinis, but surprisingly made for an incredible meal anyway.

what does this have to do with fashion? well, nothing. except that my sister ash looked really cute in her little dress when she showed up at the bar. 

but for the real reason i'm posting this: for some reason my post-date night thoughts are going to another style icon, the '80s version of madonna, since our unofficial "sister song" is pretty much "like a prayer." either that or "my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard," but for normal, non-embarrassing blog purposes, we'll stick with the first for today's song for style.

besides gotye's version of "somebody i used to know" - which i still refuse to let go of - this is probably the only song my sister and i can agree on, as it's still our all-time favorite. it goes back to the days of ash and me listening to my mom's madonna cassette tape and dick tracy soundtrack. (ask one of us the funny story behind this and we'll be happy to crack you up with the background on two naive young girls belting out song lyrics that definitely should not be coming out of four- and six-year-old mouths.)

and while the exposed bra strap look seems to be socially acceptable again whether we like it or not, we recommend taking wardrobe inspiration from a different part of this video: the cross. the cross t-shirts and jewelry are making a comeback, like the pieces shown below. get them from brandy melville, because they're darn cute whether you're religious or not. 


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